UNCF - AKA - 2016
AKAs give back to UNCF
Entire Source copied from : https://medium.com/@HBCUBuzz/alpha-kappa-alpha-gives-250000-to-uncf-d02559a0b2dd
There is nothing quite like an AKA. Service back to the community is important to the ladies of AKA — one of five basic tenets that have remained unchanged since the sorority was founded on the campus of Howard University in 1908 is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards. UNCF President Michael Lomax thanked Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. earlier last month for their gift of $250,000, praising the oldest black sorority for their service to UNCF and the HBCU community. According to their website, Alpha Kappa Alpha has given a total of over $4 million to the organization (AKA also donated $250,000 to the Tom Joyner Foundation to support the sorority’s Think HBCU initiative).
“This contribution, and all the contributions that have come before from this great sorority — to a total of more than $4 million — represents not only an investment,” said Lomax, “but an extraordinarily generous investment, in better futures for our students, and through their success, for the college-educated professionals and citizens they will become, for the communities where they will settle and which they will serve, and indeed, for our country and the world we live in. We are beyond grateful to the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha for their continued support of our mission and for Ms. Wilson’s vision to support the historic institutions that helped shape her as a leader.” According to Alpha Kappa Alpha’s website since its inception the sorority “has used the Sisterhood as a grand lever to raise the status of African-Americans, particularly girls and women.” Read more here.
HBCU Buzz — HBCU News, Sports & Entertainment
via HBCU Buzz http://ift.tt/2aSMwRu
Other sources: https://totalsororitymove.com/alpha-kappa-alpha-sorority-makes-incredibly-large-donation-to-uncf/